Friday, August 18, 2006

Vintage button swap joy

And today I received Cathys vintage button swap package (say that fast!) and I was not disappointed. Everything was cute from the inside out as you see in the following photos. I think I am supposed to put these photos on flickr but I have yet to find out how. This first photo is of the items as they looked when I took them out of the bubble wrap envelope.

One cannot wait to open such a secret looking roll...

Here are the trims Cathy printed with her stamps. Does anyone know the name of the type of trim at the bottom of the photo?

The buttons themselves are so beautifully arranged that I have decided - of course - to keep them like that. The buttons look very old as if they are somehow handmade - I will have ask Cathy. The fabric reminds me of carefree girls dresses from times past. I guess it is also to do with the whole purple theme. Nothing better than colour coordinated packages!

Notice the needlework here. As they say it is all in the presentation.

Here are the cards Cathy sent with the package. They show different animals (which she knows I love) printed with her homemade stamps. Much better than the cards one can buy in the shops. See Cathys projects on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, tanja! the photos that you took make everything that i sent look so impressive...thank you for that and for all of the kind words. i am so very happy that you liked everything!
the lace-y looking trim is called "tatting" and was from my grandmother's things. she was not a sewer in her later years, so i think that this was something that was given to her when she was a young girl.
as for posting on flickr, just go to your page and scroll all the way to the bottom and you will find a link to upload your photos.
oh! how could i forget to thank you for your lovely swap package?! i finally received it (our mail system sometimes!) and it is all so beautiful!! i need to take some pictures and post those on flickr later on today.
take care! :)