Friday, September 01, 2006

Woolly matters

I have been "reading" one of those great Japanese books and felt inspired to make a different kind of birthday card. It takes a couple of layers to make it sturdy enough but it is in no way a difficult project. Actually I think it would be fun to do for children as well.

And here in full body. I imagine making different animals - even some that don't usually have woolly backs...

This is the book I am talking about. It is strange to open it because the index and introduction is at the back. So I now read it from left to right... When in Rome. The other Japanese books I own are not like this. The ISBN is 4-579-20947-8 and the title is "paper paper"

In the book they only show a brown and a beige sheep with wool spun around their bodies. The book contains many more projects but the quality varies I have to admit

At a flea market yesterday I bought this bowl. It's from Royal Danish Porcelain but did not cost more than 25 kroner (about 4 dollars). It goes perfectly with two big milk jugs I have in the cupboard. One is shown here in the middle of a small stream

At the same market I found these white matte balls. My question is: what have they been used for? They are probably made of marble but they white surface is easy to scratch with metal or something equally hard

I have a thing about rescuing flowers. These were obviously not going to live very much longer but I think they still radiate transient beauty floating around among themselves in an old battered tin cup

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