Sunday, July 23, 2006

My first foot

Lets face it. We like sharing with others what we have created. Ever since I made that strange ceramics horse on an island for my proud parents I have known that creative projects dont have to be 100% functional as long as they are interesting, original or thought-provoking. As a child I loved the way my father criticised my art pieces because he didnt just say they were beautiful but asked questions and offered ideas for moderations. And for me thats the whole point of blogs - its not just about praising each other but about inspiring each other - however cliché it sounds.
Well, down to business. Here is a photo of my left foot. Or rather the copy I made with a mould.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a hilarious! i've never heard of anyone making a mold of their foot. you have very pretty toes. :)